There has been a lot going on in your favourite soap opera, Scandal, in recent weeks, and it is evident that drama is what they serve in this soapie. The current plot is around Cee-Jay and his greedy aunt and uncle attempting to take his grandmother’s house. The second is about Mdala, who is hiding from his wife, Tlhogi, that he is having panic attacks, and she now suspects him of cheating on her since he has been acting strangely. The third is Uncle John and his shady practises, which include murdering everyone who tries to expose him.

Linda, according to Scandal! TVSA Teasers November 2023, pushes Dintle to start an inquiry that might place her in even greater jeopardy. Tlhogi snaps at Taps after experiencing a major hit to her self-esteem. When Zuleika approaches Cee-Jay and Ndumiso, would they accept her proposal?
Jojo’s investigation will lead to a surprising revelation. Extraordinary genius has arrived at NFH. Cee-Jay regrets succumbing to his fears.

When a disturbed guy is forced to make a difficult decision with all of his cards on the table, the tension mounts. Tlhogi’s past resurfaces in her life like a relic. Two teenagers are presented with an unexpected reality. Uncle John juggles items in order to entice his nephew to comply. Patience is something that every guy learns. Everything are looking well for Cee-Jay, but he is threatened by another charge. A fatal trap is created for an unsuspecting victim. Tlhogi must make a difficult decision. Cee-Jay publicly confronts his family’s disapproval of him.

Things become heated when Uncle John fears he is imprisoned. Thlogi’s revelation surprises Vuvu, but she encourages her to pursue her dreams. Cee-family Jay’s difficulties have two unexpected outcomes.
Someone close to Tlhogi is irritated by the presence of her past in her present. Prudence receives a really unusual gift from her husband. Cohen feels irritated at Dintle.