The enraged MacG came to his podcast to scream about the events of the previous week, in which his name was dragged through the dirt with rape allegations. The Podcaster wanted an apology from Amanda du-Pont for allegedly labeling him a rapist after she claimed she was raped and nearly murdered by Jub Jub.
MacG had demanded in his legal letters to Amanda du-Pont that she apologize to him for using his name in the video in which she claimed Jub Jub raped her. Amanda requested that all women who have been mistreated or raped by Jub Jub or MacG come out and DM her in the video.
Macgyver ‘MacG’ Mukwevho said on Podcast And Chill that had they known Amanda suffered greatly at the hands of Jub Jub, they would not have used the words they did, and they would handle the matter correctly. He sympathized with Amanda but said it does not give her the right to drag his name and make such allegations. MacG said he was on the phone with his mother for 2 hours discussing this matter. He then gave Amanda some time to apologize and retract her statements and for them to meet in a form of a roundtable. “Amanda, there is still time to retract before I take legal action,” he said on the Podcast. Letter below:


Amanda du-Pont, on the other hand, has no intention of apologizing to MacG or meeting with him. In reality, she believes the popular podcaster to be nothing.
Amanda then said MacG failed to apologize to her publicly or privately for having hosted the episode which triggered her. Amanda then claims that MacG wants to silence her as a “rape survivor.”
“Our client rejects this request. We are instructed that, to our client, your client is a nobody. She has neither the time nor the inclination to meet with him.”