Imagine on your normal day you chilling bothered with no intentions of harassing anyone. As you are chilling there, your mind is running back and forth sabaweling things. The images of soft life flashing in front of your eyes. As a sharist you are all things simply blend well in the channels of your thoughts, daydreaming isn’t that a good?

As you are there in prison of your thoughts you get a text of a lifetime from your admirer. And you being the naive person you are you blindly respond because you are in your sabawel dreams. A lady from Facebook became a victim of a prank as she received the following message:

Without thinking of the consequences of issuing bank account details to strangers she just gave the stranger all the details..little did she know the response she will get.:


Well, above that’s the response. If you don’t get it forget about it. The stranger pulled off a familiar joke to south soapie lovers the character of Tau from the popular Generations the Legacy. In a slang lingo tao means 1000.

NB: Never issue out your bank details to strangers


By J Times

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