Nesheshe comes after Susan hard after Tenda frames her for the Mayor’s death. Tests revealed that the Mayor was murdered with a specific drug, which was discovered in Susan’s home. Tenda played a fast one on Susan and is now in jail. Susan has been at odds with the world’s most dangerous man. On Friday night, the police raided Susan’s house; of course, Tenda had already planted evidence to frame her for The Mayor’s murder.
Things are about to get messy in jail, according to the teasers. Vhutshilo approaches his father and asks him to assist his mother, but Azwindini is caught between a rock and a hard place. He is torn between assisting or allowing the law to take its course and using his powers as Chief to force the police to release Susan. Susan has given up hope and believes that everything is over.
Tenda is forcing Susan to dance on his own time, and Susan nearly discovered last week that the man who gave Tifhelimbilu money a few months ago was linked to Tenda, which is why Tenda feels the need to imprison Susan. Susan is in big trouble now that all hell has broken loose. Nesheshe reads Susan her rights, arrests her tonight, and sets off a chain of events. Azwindini becomes concerned that Susan will commit suicide.